The necessary tools, information, practices and skills to transform you into an in-demand professional for financial institutions and other organisations looking to create compliance programs or strengthen their current compliance function. 15 CPD Unit...
In this course, you will explore the core principles of risk and risk management in the context of the financial services sector. This training programme will cover a wide range of topics, from the regulatory environment and risk identification to the...
Over the past several decades, international economic sanctions have become a central instrument in global governance, being employed by both sovereign states and international organisations. More recently, there has been a shift towards ‘smart’ or tar...
The necessary tools and information to hone your skills as an AML and Compliance professional working for a bank, investment company or fund, financial services provider or law firm. 20 CPD units...
During the past several years, ESG has gained plenty of prominence throughout the corporate world as a growing number of organisations have started embracing its three pillars and setting up programmes targeting issues such as climate change, diversity...
The concept of corporate governance has featured regularly in discussions, both within the professional and academic community, since the 1990s and has become even more prominent following significant cases of corporate failure that had adverse effects...
The Certificate in AML provides participants with a thorough understanding of what constitutes Money Laundering (ML) and how financial institutions should respond to increasingly complex attempts by criminal individuals and entities to process proceedi...