If you were to design the perfect dream job, it might look a little something like this: no boss, no fixed hours, your office is your bedroom and you are no longer constantly overlooked for workplace advancement. If you like the sound of that, here are 6 reasons why trading might be your dream job.
1. You can work for yourself
Is stock trading worth it? Well, one of the biggest benefits of becoming a full-time trader is that you can take your career into your own hands!
A dream career sounds something a bit like this: no boss, no set hours, earning as much as you work for, working from home, and so on, and so on, right? As a successful trader, this can be your daily reality.
Traders work for themselves, keep all their own money (taxes excluded, of course), and do not have to deal with workplace stresses that can often stem from a bad boss or management. Working for yourself can be an empowering venture, helping you become self-sufficient but also fluent in the language of self-discipline.
Becoming a trader means that you work entirely for yourself and that you alone are responsible for reviewing and monitoring your short-term and long-term successes and failures. For some, this can be a double-edged sword, but for those who can manage it, being your own boss is empowering and liberating and can help you bring about your best work.
2. You’ll experience an exciting work culture
Working as a trader means that you are rewarded with a competitive, exciting work environment where you have the opportunity to cultivate a skillset that will be indispensable within the greater world of work: the competitiveness, risk-taking, and economic fluency that you’ll gain from trading stocks is highly attractive for future employers in the case of a future career change, and highly indispensable in the financial industry in general, so don’t be shy about talking about your trading credentials on your LinkedIn!
Those who master working as a trader can be guaranteed to flourish in the financial sector if choosing to switch careers, and those who stay working trading stocks can be guaranteed that no day will be exactly the same as the next and that their daily competitiveness, especially with yourself and your own personal records, is challenged day after day, leaving you feeling accomplished and fulfilled, if also a little tired, at the end of the working day.
3. You can do it anywhere
Another component of the typical dream job is the ability to pick and choose when you work. For many, this remains a pipe dream, yet for traders, this is again a daily reality.
When you’re trading for a living, home trading can be a great way to earn money without having to be connected to a physical workplace.
Of course, there are limitations; the stock markets open and close with a rigidity that you might not find at an office, and political and social events can impact the stock market at any given moment. But on the whole, being a trader means that you are liberated from the confines of a 9-5 office schedule, and you can choose when and where you work. You could work as a trader from your apartment in Paris, your loft in New York, or even start trading from your university dorm room and cultivate a little bit of financial experience.
Much like being your own boss, these liberties become something of a trade-off; being in control and choosing your own working hours means that you must invoke a sense of discipline to your schedule, and it can become all too easy to let yourself slack off when you are your sole source of accountability. However, if you can strike a balance between self-discipline and self-indulgence, being a trader might be your dream career.
4. No office issues
Whilst being a trader liberates you from the problems that come with having a boss, it also liberates you from the problems that come from having a workplace, and thus having colleagues. For some, the office environment has always been inherently hostile and never been a place where it has been possible to feel at ease; there is always too much chaos, noise, and strangers caring too much about other strangers’ business. There are many reasons why people dislike traditional office environments and the hierarchies that often come with them. Being a trader means you are free to work alone, make your living room your office, or work wherever you want.
5. You can learn on your own terms
If you’re keen to start working in the stock market and make a name for yourself as a successful trader, there are courses you can take in order to get ahead.
Exploring online Finance courses can be a great place to start, as these can give you a solid understanding of the knowledge you’ll need to succeed in trading.
Getting a good understanding of how businesses work and the principles of business is also a great idea, as you’ll have to have a good understanding of what makes a business successful or likely to succeed when deciding which stocks and shares to trade. Taking online courses in Business can equip you with the knowledge you need to succeed.
By studying online, you can learn on your own time in a way that suits you. This is ideal for anyone who’s got a packed schedule but is still keen to move into a new career field.
6. The sky’s the limit
The earning limitations for traders are abundant, especially as an investment in stock tends to change in value over time. Much like the trade-off between discipline and leisure that comes with being your own boss, effectively creating your own salary comes with its benefits and negatives, too; primarily, a person interested in becoming a trader must both understand the concept of caution, as well as habituate themselves with the possibility of major financial loss and high-risk trades and have an amount of money they’re comfortable with losing.
Putting that disclaimer aside, working as a trader can offer incredible financial compensation, with earning potential that only increases over time and as more experience is gained. In trading stocks, you can feel assured that you earn and work in a system of meritocracy; it is not you versus your tyrannical boss but you versus the market, and with enough caution, experience, and prudence, you can defeat it and earn well.
Overall, trading ticks all the typical boxes for what might constitute a ‘dream job.’ For those with the knack for self-discipline and for those who love to challenge and be competitive with themselves as opposed to other people, a career trading stocks might just be the dream career that suits you.
If trading does sound like a dream gig, why not browse our trading courses and get a head start?