Are you considering enquiring? Please note: All courses listed are paid courses, though many providers offer flexible payment plans. Speak to a course advisor to find out more by making an enquiry today.
Course overview
Hairdressing is an exciting career, perfect for those who thrive off making people feel and look great. Add to that the fact that once you have the skills, you can get a hairdressing job anywhere in the world, and you’ve got yourself a pretty solid career path. And there’s no better place to start than with an accredited hairdressing course!
The Hairdressing Diploma is an online course developed alongside the industry’s most successful hairdressers. Whether hairdressing is a side hobby or a shot at a career change, this diploma course will provide you with everything you need to achieve your goals while enjoying the flexibility to study at your own pace.
The course is wide in scope and is made up of 15 modules, covering anything from co-ordinating hair salon services and communicating in the workplace to hair colouring and diagnosing scalp conditions. Following completion of all the modules, you will be well-equipped to pursue hairdressing jobs straight away or even set up your own practice.
Job outcomes
- Hairdresser
- Hair salon manager
Study method
- Online
- Blended
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Duration study load
Diploma – 24 weeks
Advanced Diploma – 31 weeks
The maximum time given to complete a program is three years.
Entry requirements
There are NO previous work or education requirements for entry into any course level.
Course features
- Fast track your career as a hairdresser
- Learn the inside secrets of how to become a hairdressing pro in months not years!
- Study a hairdressing course that was designed in conjunction with senior members of the profession
- Free up valuable time, don’t waste time and money travelling to classes
- Study at your own pace whenever and wherever you are
- Have access to a tutor
Professional recognition
This course and qualification is a great way of consolidating existing knowledge via Recognition of Prior Learning (RPL), updating your industry skills and contributing towards your professional development. It is also one of the most practical steps you can take towards working towards gaining a promotion or better-paid position.
Course fees can be claimed as a tax deduction as long as the course is sufficiently connected to your work activities.
All materials essential for course completion are included in the cost of the course fee.
This entire course is carried out via Distance learning (also known as correspondence learning). Distance learning is ideal if you need to adapt around work, family, or other commitments. It is also extremely beneficial should you simply wish to fast track your studies (and career) and not be locked into a timetable.
Our course content and learning experience ensure that your course is relevant and interesting. Learning, tutorial assistance and assessments take place whenever and wherever you are in the country or world. It takes place at your own pace on your own terms to fit your lifestyle. As an ICI student, you’ll never endure a pop quiz, spend countless hours and hundreds of dollars travelling, and never be late with an assignment or for class.
About International Career Institute
The International Career Institute (ICI) is a private and independent provider of education and training. It is part of a network of affiliated colleges established in 1978 which together educate tens of thousands of students yearly worldwide. At present, students from 77 countries study with ICI from the comfort of their home or office.
Over 80% of students are Australian residents. Using experienced industry-based faculty and the latest resources, ICI delivers over 50 exciting careers and lifestyle focused courses to a broad range of people and businesses. ICI graduates are given skills that will improve their employment prospects and increase their value to employers.
The Institute listens to employers through its strong links to industry. Our tutors are professionals who are not full-time teachers but rather practitioners who actively work in their field of specialisation.