Inspiration is one of the key components of motivation. Whether you are a writer seeking inspiration for your next novel, an artist finding your muse or are simply trying to discover what you want to do in life; there are several everyday ways to get inspiration from your daily life, and with our handy guide you can discover the perfect source of inspiration in the most unlikely of places…
Explore the Unfamiliar & Feed Your Curiosity
One of the reasons that many people fall into the trap of feeling uninspired is by going through the same routine; day in, day out. Sometimes this is unavoidable (such as work and family responsibilities) but you can find inspiration in some of the most unlikely of places. Enjoy the little things in life and discover avenues you haven’t yet explored…
Find Answers
Whether you are doing a quiz or reading a book with unfamiliar words, finding out the answers to things you don’t know can reveal new insights and can inspire you even more. Often, we think that these little nuggets of knowledge aren’t worth bothering with unless they affect our lives but discovering more about the world is never a waste!
Learn a New Skill
Learning a new hobby or skill is a great way to get inspired in other areas of your life. Try something you haven’t tried before, have always wanted to try or have dabbled in but never really explored to your full potential. Take an online course in a subject you’re interested in, learn to play an instrument or just try your hand at a creative hobby like starting creative writing.
Write a Bucket List
Jot down the things you’ve always wanted to do, no matter how far-fetched or adventurous they may seem. The more challenges and goals you overcome, the more inspiration will strike!
Read, Discover & Learn from Others
One of the best ways to become inspired in life is through others. Discovering more about the lives, thoughts and experiences of other people can help inspire and motivate us in ways we would never have imagined. Famous poet William Wordsworth travelled the world writing poetry about the places he discovered and the people he met. Simply exploring places you haven’t been to before, and meeting a variety of people, can open up a world of inspiration for everything from careers to personal goals.
Reading every day can also help us get motivated and inspired, whether reading fiction or non-fiction. In fact, according to Psychology Today, reading can not only help with motivation but can help improve overall brain power including empathy, connectivity and language comprehension, and it’s free!
Take a Real Break
We all need a break from time to time, whether it’s a weekend away or just a few hours relaxing with a good movie. The problem is that these days it’s so hard to just switch off and stop thinking about the days ahead; especially with social media just a click away and our work emails on our phones. In fact, over 50% of people take work home with them according to a study by the University of Toronto! Creative outlets such as books, movies and music are great ways to seek inspiration and relax after a tough work day, as well as, of course, exploring the natural world.
That’s why it’s essential to take a real break. Get some fresh air and leave your phone at home, let your mind wander or be engrossed by a new movie. Letting go can be difficult, but if you dedicate a specific amount of time to yourself and don’t allow yourself to be distracted by work or responsibilities, you could find inspiration in some of the most unlikely of places.
Use Creative Tips & Tricks
There are a number of helpful tricks that writers and artists use when looking for inspiration for their new project. Even those who have a hugely creative mind can often reach hurdles in inspiration, but these tricks can help you develop your creative adventures and are used by some of the most successful writers and artists in the world.
Take Photographs
Go outside and take photos of things that interest you, whether it’s a beautiful forest, a sunset or an interesting-looking building. When you explore your photos, try to imagine them as a setting for your characters, or attempt to recreate them as an artistic landscape. Giving your photos a back story will provide a starting point for your creative flow and help you develop new ideas.
Keep a Diary
Keeping a journal can help you in all walks of life, from helping your mental health to discovering what you really want out of life. Keep a journal of your thoughts, what you did that day and anything of note you can remember; including key goals for the day. Including dreams in your journal (or having a separate dream diary) can also help you remember your dreams better and potentially discover some new sources of inspiration.
Take Advice from the Experts
Last, but certainly not least, seeking advice from those who are where you want to be is key to success. There are a variety of TED Talk videos with experts in a range of fields discussing how they have found inspiration that has led them to where they are today. If you find that meditation and yoga help focus your mind and gain inspiration, then using the #inspiration on Twitter and other social media platforms can also provide you will inspirational quotes and advice on how to focus your mind and body.