Browse Code Institute Results

Industry-leading experts, including those from Accenture, Dell, GSK and Paypal, make up the Industry Advisory Council. The IAC is responsible for reviewing, validating and recommending syllabus improvements to ensure that the most relevant technologies and languages are taught. The IAC, therefore, ensures that you have up-to-date knowledge of tech fundamentals.

Code Institute specialises in the following areas:

  • Web development training
  • Computer programming
  • EdTech
  • Coding Bootcamps
  • Career training
  • Higher education

Why complete a Code Institute Online Diploma?

There are many reasons why completing a Code Institute diploma is advantageous for your career. The specific reasons vary between each student for wanting to achieve a Code Institute online diploma. Some individuals want to update their tech skills and ICT skills to journey towards a new career while some businesses want to transform non-technical employees into software engineers. Regardless of the specific reasons behind individuals enrolling with Code Institute, it ensures that coders finish with a professional portfolio and career-ready skills, which makes them highly desirable to recruiters.

Some of the many reasons for completing an online diploma are as follows:

  • University Credit Rated: Code Institute is the only university credit-rated coding bootcamp in Europe
  • Proven Results: 88% of graduates are employed within six months and courses are designed to help you land your dream job as a developer.
  • Glowing Reviews:  Code Institute boasts high satisfaction rates and many graduates cannot praise enough how beneficial enrolling in one of the courses has been for their career.

Patrick Monks, “One of the best decisions I have ever made.”

  • Career Readiness: Code Institute is specifically designed to boost your employability. From networking webinars with employers to Industry Advisory Council validation of technologies and languages, Code Institute ensures that you are job-ready.
  • Beginner-Friendly: Code Institute also caters to those who have no coding experience. The Stream Zero introductory model will equip you with the knowledge you need to go into the industry.
  • Flexible Learning: The tailored approach of Code Institute courses allows you to study at a time and location that suits you. There is also the option to choose either devote yourself to part-time or full-time study.
  • Build Your Portfolio: Code Institute teaches you how to host and showcase your projects on GitHub so that you can present it to potential employers.

What coding jobs benefit from a Code Institute Diploma?

As a graduate from Code Institute you could gain employment in one of the following computer coding jobs:

  • Web Developer
  • Full-Stack Developer
  • Computer Systems Engineer
  • Database Administrator
  • Computer Systems Analyst
  • Computer Programmer
  • Software Application Developer
  • Business Intelligence Analyst

What courses does Code Institute offer?

Code Institute offers professional upskilling in software development for both individuals and businesses through online courses that range from a week-long course to a 16 to 60-week course.

Some of the courses offered include:

  • Full Stack Web Development course
  • Coding for Beginners course
  • HTML, CSS, JavaScript, Python, Ruby and Django Coding course
  • Front and Back End Coding course
  • Computer Programmer course
  • Coding Fundamentals for Business Professionals course

Courses for Individuals

The following courses are explicitly targeted at individuals:

  • Full-Stack Software Development Diploma 16 to 60 Week Bootcamp (16 – 60 weeks part-time, intensive 16-week course, full-time)
  • Free Five Day Coding Challenge: Learn how to build your first website and progress onto the diploma course.
  • Diploma in Tech Fundamentals: Learn Big Data and the cloud, identify opportunities and threats and make more effective decisions.

Courses for Businesses

Code Institute uses the Code Institute Assessment Tool to identify talent with the aptitude for technical reskilling. This is specifically for assessing non-technical employees through a five-step assessment to determine who has the potential for becoming the next full-stack developer.

Each cohort of students receives tailored support through their own tutors and mentorship.

Interested in learning more about coding and programming? Why not check out our gaming development courses!